Teacher iPhones

Creation date: 9/5/2023 11:43 AM    Updated: 9/5/2023 11:43 AM    apps hotspot iphone teacher

· If we did not have your email password, we did not set up your email account on your iPhone. Please email ITSupport@lccap.org with the subject line: NAME, ROOM#, EMAIL SET UP ON iPhone

· If anything pops up and wants you to install, download, update…please do

· If you notice that your hotspot is not available or activated, please email itsupport@lccap.org with the subject “teacher iPhone needs hotspot activated” with teacher name and location/room number

· iPhones no longer ship with charging blocks.  If you do not have a spare, or do not want to charge using your laptop, please email itsupport@lccap.org with the subject “charging block needed” with name and location/room number

· If you are missing apps, please contact itsupport@lccap.org with the subject line “missing iPhone apps” and your name and location/room number

· If you would like to add a certain app that is not on the following list, please ask for approval from Nancy